
1: 以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします 2015/05/24(日) 11:08:37.34 id:HRVvKa7K0.net BE:292723191-PLT(19081) ポイント特典
A waitress clobbers a diner with a menu after he appears to try and touch
her inappropiately.

It is unclear exactly what sparked the row, but the woman reacts when the
man, who is sat at the bar with a pal, appears to try and touch her on the neck.
She lashes out, causing him to leap out of his seat.
He then brazenly grabs her on the bottom however she stands her ground,
striking him another two times around the the head with what appears to be a menu.

The second blow causes him to fall to the ground and fellow punters race
to his aid before leading the man, who is clearly dazed, away from the scene.
no title


